
So much of what I do as a coach, motivational speaker, and workshop facilitator is customized according to what is needed or requested. Please contact me to schedule an event, or with any questions or ideas you would like to explore. I love heartstorming and creating entirely new possibilities out of or beyond existing offerings.

PHONE 561 301 2399
EMAIL [email protected]

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Growing into the later years
Life is a journey and each step along the way has its own richness and, hopefully, sense of direction and purpose. Whether you are seeking ways to step boldly into this time in life, to discover a renewed sense of purpose, or to make time to reflect deeply and, perhaps, do a life review, there are tools and processes to enhance the vibrancy and fullness of these years. Join with others in a variety of conversations about this special time of exploration.

Introducing Healing Is a Journey – Find your own path to hope, recovery, and wellness

This book explores the power and capacity we each have to rise to the challenges we face. Whether they are physical, emotional or financial, you are encouraged to set apart quiet time to reflect on your circumstances and connect with your wise inner voice.

Book Signings, Poetry Readings and Conversation

The WomenCircle

We as women are relational by nature. We thrive in connection. The WomenCircle is an opportunity for us to come together to explore what matters and what counts to us both individually and collectively in a safe and beautiful environment. Together we seek new ways of being as well as discover next best steps for moving forward in our lives with grace and power.

The poet Mary Oliver asks, “Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?” Are you willing to take time out of your already always busy life to revisit, recharge, and recommit to your Best Self? Join Coach Minx at the WomenCircle – a 2 hour journey of easy camaraderie, joyful exploration, deep reflection, and Self discovery.

The Richness of Ritual

“Ritual is the act of sanctifying action – even ordinary actions – so that it has meaning: I can light a candle because I need the light or because the candle represents the light I need.”
~ Christina Baldwin, Life’s Companion

It is not that our lives lack ritual but rather that most rituals have lost their meaning and shifted into the realm of the ordinary.  Without the thoughtfulness of purpose, a ritual becomes mere habit. We trivialize so many opportunities for depth and connection by performing our actions out of habit rather than conviction and reverence – everything from birthday cards and gifts to religious rituals and personal celebrations performed by rote lose their meaning and their magic.

Ritual is a way of making potent and powerful what would otherwise be nothing more than everyday activity.  It delineates a shift in consciousness and imbues our actions with a special kind of energy.

In our technically brilliant modern society, there are too few places where we are encouraged, or even allowed, to plumb our deepest selves and honor our multi-dimensionality with intention and grace.  Yet women have used rituals to mark the cycles of the moon, the passage of the seasons, and the rhythms of our bodies.  The enactment of empowering and inspiring rituals, performed alone or in groups, can provided a different perspective from which to view and celebrate the fullness of our lives.

Journal Keeping: Discovering Your Self on the Page

To journal is to make use of pen and paper to record events, thoughts, emotions, possibilities, priorities, and just about anything else on our minds.  Journal keeping as a tool for self-reflection allows us to shape vague and amorphous thoughts and feelings into concrete and coherent language.  It is a way to organize, prioritize, and find an outlet for the incessant chattering of the mind.  Journaling can be a powerful tool for releasing pent-up emotions as well as for self-discovery.  As such, it is a way of making the inner voices of one’s heart, mind, and soul more audible.

“Journalkeeping is an act of risk, disclosure,
vulnerability and courage.
It is also an act of self-affirmation.”
~ Kay Leigh Hagan

Experience the power and magic of journaling for yourself.  Discover why there has been such a resurgence of interest in this age-old writing form. Explore why reflective journal writing is far more valuable and interesting than the old image of “Dear Diary” would suggest.  Learn a variety of basic tips and techniques that allow even the most inexperienced writer to reap the benefits of this process.  Take advantage of this opportunity to try different approaches in order to develop your own form of creative expression.

The Convened Conversation

Transforming Your Relationships, Meetings, and Conversations
The Art of Convening was developed by Center for Purposeful Leadership and trainings in the process are offered through them.  

Minx Boren is a trained facilitator through and with CPL.

To experience the Art of Convening in a setting and for purposes of your choosing, contact Coach Minx directly.

These Convened Circles can be created via tele-bridge calls or in-person at your home, organization or place of work. 

Empower Parties®

Empower Parties® are about unlocking our passion, potential and purpose for joyful living. Each gathering is a unique life coaching experience – more than just an enjoyable time with friends. It’s an affordable investment in yourself, your life, and your relationships. Empower Parties® provide an opportunity to:

  • re-energize your life
  • reframe everyday challenges as possibilities
  • explore new ways of thinking to fully unlock potential
  • learn strategies for taking action toward goals and dreams
  • discover powerful, yet playful, new paths toward personal growth and well-being

Read more about Empower Parties® at

Contact Minx at [email protected] for information about creating a party for/with your friends, colleagues, co-workers.

WOMEN WHO FLOURISH – “A Conversation for Dynamic Women”

WHAT does it mean to truly flourish?  The answers are as varied as those who answer the question AND research in Positive Psychology now provides us with concrete ways at looking at his question.  Join in an introductory Women’s Circle with Coach Minx to find out more. I am looking to bring together a group of women who will spend 3 months considering all the aspects of flourishing and how to weave them into our own lives.

What: Introduction to a Women’s Circle Conversation

BEYOND TIME MANAGEMENT – “A More Colorful Approach to Full Spectrum Living”

WHAT IF it were possible to finally move beyond the “I’m so busy” syndrome toward a more joyful and graceful way of dancing with time? Join in a Women’s Circle with Coach Minx and spend 3 months (or more for those who want to go even deeper) diving into the issues and possibilities surrounding the ways we spend our days and, by extension, our lives.

What: Women’s Circle Conversation